Helping You Deal With A Bad Faith Claim
Sometimes insurance companies need to deny a claim, but that does not mean that you acted in bad faith. Unfortunately, sometimes playing by the rules can seem unfair to the other party involved. You have a duty both to your business and customers, and that often means making the difficult call.
Still, by the time the insured is working with an attorney and you are in the position of defending the claim, there can be a lot of accusations on the table. This is why it is so important to talk to an attorney about the claim against you. At Kinchen Walker Bienvenu Bargas Reed & Helm, LLC, our team of proven insurance lawyers helps insurance companies across Louisiana resolve bad faith claims.
What Can Happen Under The Direct Action Statute
As a Louisiana insurance company, you know that the direct action statute allows non policyholders to sue you directly rather than going through the insured party. When an injured party suspects bad faith, it can mean a complex case between you and the injured party. Because of this complexity, you will want to work with an attorney who can protect your interests throughout the process.
While you may be aware of what the statute does and how it relates to acting in good faith, getting through the process can still be complicated. Our attorneys will start building a strong defense as soon you contact us. We have more than a century of combined experience and a long history of positive outcomes for our clients.
A Strong Defense Begins With A Free Consultation
Even if you have experience with bad faith claims, getting help from a skilled attorney can help you formulate the best strategy for your insurance bad faith defense.
Contact us online or call our Baton Rouge office at 225-292-6704 to set up a free consultation.